Publication Policy

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Publication Policy

  1. All articles to be submitted to the journal should be original and scientific in nature within the scope of the journal.
  2. Articles submitted to the journal must comply with scientific research ethical principles.
  3. Manuscripts should be unpublished and not under consideration for publication elsewhere while it is under evaluation process of the Journal.
  4. All legal responsibility for the content of the article belongs to the authors.
  5. Manuscripts in which references sections truncated found to have similarity index of 20% or above will be rejected
  6. Articles submitted to the journal must comply with the journal writing rules. Articles that do not comply with the writing rules will be rejected.
  7. Articles are sent to referees who are experts in the field by double-blind review.
  8. Articles are accepted or rejected for publication according to the referee reports and the decisions of the Editors-in-Chief